I presume you are addressing the fact that polarities tend to change into their opposites at the extreme, which is a facit of "The Law of Equilibrium" that you are referring to?
If there is an area of low pressure, the surounding high pressure flows into it. creating a homegonous pressure. This is so with gases and liquids etc and also so with higher frequencies and energies-those which are beyond the material aparatus of the mundane scientist.
As it is a universal law it applies to all levels of existence therefore it is worthy of attention. If the substance has a dual nature ie yin and yang, merged together as neutral then the Law of Opposites Atract can be seen to flow from the Law of Equilibrium.
"Body A" lacking yin exibits yang. It is therefore low pressure yin.
"Body B" lacking yang exhibits yin. It is therefore low pressure yang. These 2 bodies atract each other because of theire opposite low pressures seeking equilibrium.
A consciousness that is fully neutral, ie a consciousness that loves all opposites equally, is free. In other words it is free from the push and pull of high and low archetypal pressures which manifest as atractions/repulsions, likes/dislikes and fears/desires etc.