You live for everyday,faze after faze as a child and getting ito adult hood. Then responsibilities come, and you get knotted up with things you have to do, don't have much time for things you'd like to do. But some how you manage to spare some time for yourself. Feel good for a while, only going back to the things you have to ,the worries of life, disputes between yourself and others.Then you end up having questions...etc..why am I on this earth? Why don't I have enough energy, when are we gonna win lotto, would I be happier if I won lotto. Then you start looking into any spiritual stuff.Then after so much reading and searching. Your left with yourself, and all the spiritual stuff is all directed to the person within yourself. So you try meditating , healing yourself with your imagination, then you read sientific discoveries on the left brain hemespeire how we don't use it and so on and so forth .Its just one big trip in life that never stops. And guess what, when we die , we don't die , our spirit keeps going on..