. How many souls in this whole planet? Far too, many to count. Probably billions times billions of people, even trillions close to infinity. We are all individuals in one big massive scale. So this does tend to form one big mass of chaos, when we all choose not to agree on things. When we see two people fighting . You know the problem. These two people have to sort it out and make a truce, (treaty, agreement). What happens when nations upon nations are warring, the same thing. There has to be an end to all wars. We are all involved, no matter whether our countries involved or not. It all affects us the same. If every person could find away to shake each others hand and agree on things, and helped each other. What can I say? Maybe world peace could be the conclusion. We all have the power to investigate our world that we live in. Why leave it all up to the professionals. We can’t keep going through life half blind. People forgot they are perfect, they have forgotten to be nice, to be kind to be giving to share their love to give off from themselves. The only reason people want to be bad, is because it was there choice to be that way. The reason people hate is because they want to be that way. People say that they have a side to them that makes them do bad things, but really there is only one side to a person. The perfect strong side! “I didn’t mean to hit the person”. But they did! Before they hit the person there was a thought, “hit the person”. And there’s that split second were he could draw back his hand or just let the punch hit. So you either, pull back your hand with the strength that you have, Or just ignore those thoughts and let the punch rip through the other person. Being kind from your heart is, wanting to give to the other person. It’s not hard. All you have to do is be nice, If you see them crying, give them your love. If you see them being negative and down, pull them up give them some positive thoughts, show them there bright sides in there life. Less suicide will stop happening when people start showing they care. Until the people stop pretending that they don’t care, change. This whole world will never be strong as it should. Stop pretending you didn’t see that person fall, you could have helped them up. Did you think you didn’t have to help them? Of course you have to help, how do you think this world , of people is going grow unless you start helping. We all have to put in. This is why there’s so much fighting in this world, is because they show them there uncaring side. This is how our young generation learns from us, they see the selfishness and people hurting each other, and they think that’s how it is, they can see themselves going that way. Or the few that are strong, realizes with in themselves that the other person is just like them. Why hurt them, why not share. Some men they look at the women as a body. What happens to the body when its dead its just a carcass, an image. When the body’s dead the soul is not there no more. It’s some where else who knows? God, we all believe in God. Even people who have many Gods just pick one, when something tragic happens in there life. Even a person who doesn’t believe in God. When there life gets difficult. They ask why God has done this to them. God hasn’t done anything, he probally knows that we are perfect and his probably shaking his head wondering when we are going to realize. That we have a choice in everything we do. And what we do onto others, that’s the way chose to be. Wakeup perfect people, get out of your ugly shadow. You can change, all it takes is to give, Honesty, Openness, Kindness, Loyalty Respect to all. To uplift people To love the other person as perfect, not to discriminate them for what they turned into. We need to show our young generation that we can change, so they can follow. Show them that they can make a difference if they give from there heart. Love to all. From Jem, :D (h)