I believe that there a set number of elemental virtues that form, in their different combinations the countless character variations. However I am still unclear to the exact number-any ideas? J
Dear James offered: "I believe that there a set number of elemental virtues that form, in their different combinations the countless character variations. However I am still unclear to the exact number-any ideas."
Is VirtuScience based on "belief"? How can you say that there are a set number of elemental virues that form, in their different conbinations the countless character variations and expect readers to blindly believe your statements. I for one want facts not beliefs.
My book "Inner Medicine" offers methods to discover for yourself the basic truth of what I am saying-no belief is necessary. I have found to my satisfaction, that simple conceptional elements in different combinations make up a larger variety of complex ones. You may also come to see it as obvious if you look into it yourself.
I would be very grateful if someone could prove me wrong, for it would mean that they have helped me nearer to the truth. My advice, to those interested, is to perform exercise 1: OverView from my book. Maybe if you look deeply enough into the subject, you will gain useful insights which either contradict or support my own. Either way I invite you to share them with me and my readers, to help push the subject of character improvement forward.